PUSPADI Bali is the only NGO on the island with its own workshop providing quality prosthetics, orthotics, wheelchairs, mobility aids and rehabilitation to people with disabilities.
Based at the Annika Linden Centre in Denpasar, our skilled local staff discuss with the person with a disability about their needs, before doing assessments and providing them with an appropriately fitted mobility aid/s.
The people we support are mainly from remote or impoverished areas of Bali and East Indonesia.
They need mobility aids because of a congenital birth defect, motorbike accident, falling out of a tree or due to polio, diabetes and other medical issues.
We see the solution as more than giving out quality mobility aids – and it requires a multifaceted approach combining the person with a disability’s voice with quality rehabilitation and educational and training opportunities.
This empowers them to be the best version of themselves.
When people with disabilities can exercise their right to access quality mobility aids and support, they’re given the tools to actively defend their rights – and be independent, work, study and socialise – as well as be part of their communities.
Rehabilitation & Outreach
PUSPADI Bali is breaking down the barriers, empowering people with disabilities to rise above damaging stereotypes about their capabilities. Our field workers, whom have a disability, are crucial in our work to find more people in need who are hiding away in shame. As soon as our skilled staff find them, they’re assessing their needs and regularly do monitoring, evaluation, and mobile services.
Prosthesis & Orthosis
Our team of Balinese and Indonesian technical staff provide prosthetics and orthotics (above and below knee), mobility aids, braces and AFOs to more than 5,000 people with disabilities in Bali and East Indonesia.
Children need a new prosthesis or orthosis every 6 to 12 months, and adults will need a new one, on average, every 2 years.
Furthermore, we connect people with disabilities with organisations that offer corrective surgery for conditions including club foot, and cleft palate, to improve balance, coordination, functionality and independence.
We support each person with a disability that needs our services for life, from when they are children, teenagers or adults and throughout their journey.
Without PUSPADI Bali, the people of Bali and East Indonesia would have to travel to Java to get a prosthetic leg or repair – which is out of the financial reach for poor or middle-income families.
Adaptive Wheelchairs
PUSPADI Bali helps people with disabilities who are hiding away in their homes or shunned in their communities to access adaptive wheelchairs which give them an outlet to the world.
In 2011, PUSPADI Bali partnered with the United Cerebral Palsy Wheels for Humanity (UCP WFH) to develop the first adaptive wheelchair program in Bali.
We provide five different types of wheelchairs (including Standard, Expression, Roughrider, Motivation Active Folding and Rough Terrain ones) because we understand people with disabilities live in remote, treacherous, or inaccessible as well as urban parts of Bali and East Indonesia.
Since our partnership with UCPWH began, people with disabilities in Bali and East Indonesia now have their own appropriately fitted wheelchair.
They can move about their homes, be independent, work, study and have greater interaction in their communities.
Advocacy, Innovation & Sector Development
We initiate and engage with projects (advocacy, empowerment, accessibility, sport, education, research) that advocate, promote and provide opportunities for economic, civic and meaningful engagement of people with disabilities. Our team consistently collaborating, contributing to and undertake projects (linked to UNCRPD and SDGs) innovation and research.