PUSPADI Bali and FGD Disability Assessment with Bappenas

PUSPADI Bali is not only advocating at the district, city and provincial levels but is also active at the central level. On Thursday, June 17, 2021, PUSPADI Bali together with several other OPDs accepted the invitation from Bappenas to conduct a Disability Study FGD in the fields of education, employment, health and inclusive economy by taking a location in one of the hotels in the Nusa Dua area.

On this occasion, we also invited our colleague I Wayan Damai as Member of the Board of Trustees of the Cahaya Mutiara Ubud Foundation to jointly provide suggestions and constructive criticism in the FGD. Below are some of the things we discussed including the initiation of the Task Force for the Fulfillment of the Rights of Adaptive Aids which we have formed to get support from Bappenas and the Central Government.

Field of education

1. Is the availability of accessibility a consideration in choosing a school?

2. Is there any information from the local government or the school regarding the availability of accessibility in supporting the teaching and learning process?

3. What kind of accessibility do you need to support your learning process at school

4. What is your problem not going to school?

5. Have you ever received socialization or other forms of information from the school or local government that motivated you to continue in school?

6. What is the distance between where you live and the school?

7. How do you go to school?

8. What are the obstacles if your school is far from where you live?

9. What are the obstacles to obtaining scholarships for persons with disabilities?


1. What causes persons with disabilities to be discriminated against in the employment sector?

2. What are the difficulties experienced by persons with disabilities in the recruitment process in government institutions and BUMN/BUMD?

3. What are the obstacles for government institutions and BUMN/BUMD in accepting persons with disabilities?

4. What are the difficulties experienced by persons with disabilities in the recruitment process in private companies?


1. What are the factors that hinder persons with disabilities in accessing facilities in hospitals?

Inclusive Economy

1. Are you having difficulty opening an account at a bank?

2. How do you solve the problem?